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Version: 2.1


What is en ORM?

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a technique that lets you query and manipulate data from a database using an object-oriented paradigm. When talking about ORM, most people are referring to a library that implements the Object-Relational Mapping technique, hence the phrase "an ORM".

An ORM library is a completely ordinary library written in your language of choice that encapsulates the code needed to manipulate the data, so you don't use SQL anymore; you interact directly with an object in the same language you're using.$

TSCord uses Mikro-ORM, an efficient battle-tested ORM library for Nodejs.


One big interest of an ORM is that you never touch the database, even when creating new tables.

Indeed, tables are represented by entities, which are plain Typescript classes using the decorator syntax to provide a simple yet efficient way to build them.

Example of a simple entity:

import { Entity, PrimaryKey, Property } from '@mikro-orm/core'
import { CustomBaseEntity } from './BaseEntity'

export class User extends CustomBaseEntity {

@PrimaryKey({ autoincrement: false })
id: string

name: string


Some explanations:

  • Every entity must be placed in the src/entities directory and be exported in the src/entities/index.ts file.
  • Every entity class should be decorated with @Entity().
  • Every entity must extends CustomBaseEntity, which will add createdAt and updatedAt properties.
  • Every attribute of the class marked with the @Property() decorator will be a property in the database table.
  • @PrimaryKey() decorator is used to define entity's unique primary key identifier.

Default values

Mikro-ORM lets you define default values in two ways:

1. Typescript

name: string = 'John Doe'

This will ensure the default value when you instantiate the new object in your code (e.g: new User()), but will doesn't affect the SQL table (the column will remain nullable without default value)

2. SQL

    @Property({ default: 'John Doe' })
name: string

The column in the SQL table will have the default value.

Entity Repository

Now that you have your entities created, you surely want to query, insert or even update data in the database!

It is done by using entity repositories. To access one, you need to inject the Database service, and then call the get() method. This method takes one argument: the class type of the entity you want to interact with. It will then return the repository of this entity, used to persist and query data.


You can query data using the findOne() and find() repository methods.

export default class PingCommand {

private db: Database

name: 'ping'
async pingHandler(
interaction: CommandInteraction
) {

const userRepo = this.db.get(User)

const user = await userRepo.findOne({ id: }) // -> User
const users = await userRepo.findAll() // -> [User, User, User, ...]

interaction.reply(`${}, pong!\nThere is a total of ${users.length} users in the database.`)


In order to insert (create) a new entity in the database, use the insert() repository method.

export default class PingCommand {

private db: Database

name: 'ping'
async pingHandler(
interaction: CommandInteraction
) {

const userRepo = this.db.get(User)

const user = new User() = 'John Doe' =

await userRepo.persistAndFlush(user)


In order to update an entity in the database, use the update() repository method.

export default class PingCommand {

private db: Database

name: 'ping'
async pingHandler(
interaction: CommandInteraction
) {

const userRepo = this.db.get(User)

const user = await userRepo.findOne({ id: }) = 'John Doe'

await userRepo.persistAndFlush(user)


In order to delete an entity in the database, use the remove() repository method.

export default class PingCommand {

private db: Database

name: 'ping'
async pingHandler(
interaction: CommandInteraction
) {

const userRepo = this.db.get(User)

const user = await userRepo.findOne({ id: })
await userRepo.removeAndFlush(user)


For more information on how to use Mikro-ORM, check their official documentation here.