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Version: 2.2


Before anything else, head over to your bot config and enable the API server and Websocket client.


  1. Copy the client/.env.example
  2. Fill in all the variables

You can find your bot's secret in your Discord Developer Portal. Click on your application and then go to the OAuth2 tab. You will find it under the Client Secret section.

  1. Go on your Discord Developer Portal
  2. Click on your application
  3. Go to the OAuth2 tab
  4. Add the following redirect URIs:
    • http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/discord
    • <your_domain>/api/auth/callback/discord (if you are running the app on a domain in production)
  5. Copy the Client Id and the Client Secret
  6. Paste them in the .env.example file, as well as your bot API admin token.
  7. Rename the file .env
  8. Go to the client/src/core/config/bots.ts
  9. Fill in your bot info (here is a sample)
    id: '943804890143133736',
    name: 'TSCord',
    iconUrl: '',
    apiUrl: process.env['TSCORD_API_URL']!,
    apiToken: process.env['TSCORD_API_TOKEN']!,
    secret: process.env['TSCORD_SECRET']!

    As you may have noticed, the bots config is an array, so you can setup multiple bots!

  10. Run npm run build in the client folder
  11. Then, run npm run start


In order to make the Monitoring dashboard page working, you must spin up the Websocket proxy server on which your bot and your Next.js app will connect.

  1. Edit the proxy/.env.example at your convenance
  2. Rename it .env
  3. Put the correct websocket url to access the proxy server both in the Next.js app and TSCord bot env files
  4. Go to the proxy folder
  5. Run npm run build
  6. Run npm run start
  7. Now, if your bot is running in parallel, you should see in the console: New client connected: <name_of_your_bot>