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As of now, this template is not yet compatible with sharding, so we don't advertise to use it for large bots.

Researchs are made to find how to implement this, as well as clustering, in a proper manner. This implementation should be happening in the future next big version 3.0.

Sorry for the inconvenience.



  1. Install the official CLI globally

    npm i -g tscord
  2. Run the init command

    tscord init bot <name_of_your_bot>

    It'll initialize a fresh TSCord-based discord bot, install its dependencies and setup git on it!


Check the CLI documentation to know more on this and other commands!


If the tscord init bot command fails with an exit error code of 1, it is likely that the dependencies installation step has failed.

In most cases, it is due to the lack of native build tools on your system required by node-gyp. You can fix this by following the steps mentioned in the official node-gyp documentation