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Linting and Formatting

Linting and formatting are important parts of the development process. They help to ensure that your code is consistent and free of errors.

We use eslint for both linting and formatting. eslint is a popular tool for linting and formatting JavaScript code. It is highly configurable and can be used to enforce a wide range of coding standards.

Our opiniated configuration is a tweaked version of antfu/eslint-config, but you can modify it anytime in the eslint.config.js file.



You can run the linting from the command line using the following command:

npm run lint

If you want to also format your code by fixing the styling whenever it is possible, you can run the following command:

npm run lint:fix


We ship with a .vscode folder that contains a settings.json file. This file will automatically recommand you the eslint extension and format your code on save.